Vulnerability · 20. February 2023
This experience gave the author a valuable lesson that I could honor my needs while practising softness.
May we all grow wiser and more compassionate to others around us through softness, even though the world could feel harsh (unkind) to us sometimes.
Vulnerability · 26. January 2023
One month into leaning into my word of the year "Softness", and I am already learning a lot.
Being a recovering #overachiever who is always critical of myself, practicing Softness made me...
Vulnerability · 14. February 2021
During this double festive season in the background of COVID-19, many of us are separated from our loved ones. I reflect on the meaning of loneliness
Vulnerability · 10. January 2020
Why is Vulnerability a key component of Authenticity? Read the author's realization as she processes her grief after losing her grandmother.
Vulnerability · 20. November 2019
Were there times when you felt needy and weak, and hope someone could give you a hug or take some of the burden/responsibilities away? Therefore you took your chance and decided to be vulnerable. You asked for help, or reached out for affection. Congratulations! That took massive amount of courage! How did it feel? What I want to talk about is, what's next? Many of us thought that by mustering the courage to reach out, our loved ones would swoop us in their arms and whisper sweet things until...